Friday, January 04, 2008

Hooked on Gold Gazette Jan. 4, 2008

· Gold Spot Closing Price for Friday: $863.00
· Spot price Dec. 29th: $838.80
Calendar of Events
1st New Years Day
9th GPOC Meeting 7:00 p.m. Colo. Springs
13th GPOC Meeting 7:00 p.m. Colo. Springs
22nd – 24th Gem and Mineral Show Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Colo.
Gold is in the news this week so much, that it is hard to decide which aspect to report on. Several will be ongoing, but the U.S. Forest Service updates are probably the most pressing. In case you have not been aware, the U.S. Forest Service has recently proposed to “issue criminal citations for occupancy” on public lands. As always, they will also be attempting to put further restrictions on mining on public lands. One proposed amendment will create a “bonded notice”, which will require a “financial guarantee” for any mining activities that would not require a plan of operations. The amount of this proposed “bond” was not quoted, but we in Colorado are already familiar with this type of bonding which has been required by the BLM on the Arkansas River for about 4 or 5 years. Public Lands for the People will be addressing this issue when it is posted, but miners in general need to get on board with this as no public meetings are proposed and the comment periods are usually very short.

The Preble’s Mouse has raised its’ ugly head again and it is now planned not to delist it from the endangered species list, even though it was proven to be genetically identical to another more common mouse. Yes, dear friends, your house, highways, and recreation will be limited because such activities might disturb its’ habitat. This highly specialized mouse is doomed by mother nature to die out when it’s habitat changes, and that is why it is a mutation of the original. The original is meant to survive. If we continue to go against mother nature, how will new species ever evolve in a new world? Why is this mouse more important than another that might take its’ place. How can the Fish and Wildlife Service be sure this mouse will become extinct if it is disturbed, or that it isn’t part of the bigger “plan”?

Comments on the prebel mouse issue can be submitted to: Susan Linner, Field Supervisor, Colorado Field Office, Ecological Services, P.O. Box 25486, MS-6542, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Co. 80225 or by fax to (303) 236-4005 or email to Comments much be received by Jan. 22, 2008.

Chili is in this week’s news as one South American country that can attribute its’ prosperity to mining and a government that is aware of the contribution it makes to that prosperity. While working with mining companies to develop resources, they can also keep environmental impacts to a minimum while reaping the maximum benefits from mining. They have been reasonably successful in keeping all things in perspective, to the benefit of all.

Gold prices continue to bounce around, and predictors are coming out with what they think it will do in ’08. I am reading and hearing many, and the highest prediction is that it will reach $1500 and silver to be at $25.00 per ounce. Now, I’ve watched these predictions for quite a while and I gotta tell ya, they never are as high as predicted, but they do go up. If you were to look at ’07, you would find that gold advanced 50% this year. If it were to advance at the same pace this year, that would make the peak somewhere in the $1200 range. Since the stock market is predicted to stay rather flat for ’08, and gold has been pacing itself with the markets, that would mean gold should stay in the $800 to $900 range. Personally, I would LOVE to see $1500 gold, but realistically, I have to hope for $1000 to $1200 this year. How’s your crystal ball?

Next week, more on how gold gets deposited in its’ matrixes.

Last note: I had a link come in about 30 minutes ago that is announced on the home page concerning Cache Creek regulations for 2008. Check it out if you haven’t already.
If you find a broken link, please let us know
Until Next week.
Good Prospecting to You,
Larry and Shirley Weilnau Prospecting Videos Looking for metal detectors on e-Bay? Click here contact us

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