Picker that came out of the dirt pile at Tin Pan Prospector
I know most of you are waiting for my sluice box report. It is still on my to do list, but I found out my Mother was coming this past week for a visit and things have gotten put on a bit of a hold while we catch up. I have not seen her for over a year, so there is much to talk about and do.
The gold panning area at Tin Pan Prospector is showing some nice color. We panned out a picker on Saturday, and everyone else was happy with what they were finding.
Fairplay Burro Days is coming up July 23rd & 24th, so get that on your calendar and “Get Your Ass Up the Pass”! GPOC will also have their gold panning troughs out for the public again this year.
Colorado State Gold Panning Championships will be the weekend after in Breckenridge, July 30, 31 and August 1st. All challengers are welcome!
It is quiet, friendly, and full of activity at our new camp south of Fairplay. So far, we are very happy with the area and the amenities we have here in CORA. We even used the pool this last weekend for some relaxing fun. We have many new trails to explore, mines to visit and gold to find here in South Park. With luck and what we know about this mineral belt, we are confident we will be able to assist with opening up some of the private and patented areas here. There is excitement in the valley again over placer and lode mining, but there is much work to be done before it will be a reality. When we are all successful, prospecting for gold in Colorado will become easier on this side of the gold and silver mineral belt.
Watch for the sluice box report. I really do like this new box. It has a triple riffle system that is interesting.
Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July! AND you have this Monday to rest up from your celebrations.
Good Prospecting to You,
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