Thursday, March 04, 2010

Mining the Gem Show

It's Gem Show Weekend!  That Means Emeralds in 18K Gold For Me.

Well, this show has crept on me and now I realise I won't have a Gazette tomorrow or Saturday.  

For anyone that is going to be using the Point Bar area or Cache Creek for gold prospecting, I know of several people who have already gotten their notice level equipment packets in the mail they requested, and they say the new packets have a lot of information in them including maps to the Arkansas open public areas. 

Weather is starting to warm up enough that we may get out in the next two weeks.  We have family plans along with this gem show for the next few weeks, but by mid March we should be able to get once or twice......finally.  We have gotten out every winter before this to metal detect for coins before now, but this year the ground has just been frozen solid. 

Remember that Day Light Savings time begins Sunday, March 14th.....Spring ahead.  See you on the flip side.

Good Prospecting to You,

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