Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Shopping

Ah, Christmas shopping!
No I haven't forgotten you. We had the DSL go down yesterday and, so, I am late getting the Gazette up this weekend. You'll have it sometime tomorrow after I get the Christmas Shopping caught up after all the frigid weather we've had the last couple of weeks that made want to just sit under a warm blanket and hibernate. The sun is back out and it was over 50 degrees today. That also means that everyone else is out, too, and it takes twice as long to get things done as usual.
To boot, the store checkout isn't working. Literally, one minute it was working and the next it wasn't. Everything looks good, but something is wrong. Probably have to spend some time with tech support to find out what's up with the program. (sigh) Talk to you more tomorrow. Hope your Holiday Season is going well.
Good Prospecting to You,

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